How to design giveaways for a handyman service
Whether you’re a one-man handyman service or you run a franchise, designing giveaways for your customers shouldn’t be painful.
The giveaways you’re looking for are often called “promotional products” or “swag.” Some contractors call them leave-behinds. But whatever you call them, if you don’t have the right message on the product, it won’t work.
If you have no graphic design skills, don’t worry. First off, we can help with that. Second, it’s the message that really needs to stand out. Make the message clear, and the design will follow.
Here are some easy tips and design ideas for handyman promotional products and giveaways.
Use your message to tell them exactly what to do
Yes, you could just put your logo, phone number, and website on the custom leave-behind.
Or you could be like Rick (below) and tell them what to do: call him! Want your customers to do that? Tell them to. Want them to schedule an appointment on your website? Give the website address and obvious instructions to do that.
People have enough to think about; when you tell them exactly what to do, you will see more action taken… meaning more business for you.

Use a custom leave-behind as a chance to educate your customers
Want to avoid calls that could have been avoided? Give them some guidance with an informational brochure.
Now, this is not meant to take the place of professional know-how. Use this as a simple troubleshooting checklist before they call.
If it’s an easy thing for the homeowner to take care of, that’s great. If they can’t fix it, at least you’ve given them a bit of knowledge that they can then pass onto you. For example: “I connected Widget A to Widget B, but then Widget C starting puttering when it should have been whirring.”
This could help save time (how much time do you spend just finding the problem?) and money for them.
But it also builds trust. If you’re willing to share your knowledge with them, they know you’re a reliable expert in your field, and they are far more likely to call on you again or refer you to their neighbors.

Go the heart-felt route and send them Christmas cards with a hand-written message
Yes, this might sound like a pain. How many customers have you seen this past year? Do you want to send a card to each of them, or just some of your regulars?
If you are the lone handyman in your business, you might have to write each and every message yourself. Have someone help with taking calls? If they’ve built rapport with your customers, have them help write some of the messages.
These messages don’t have to be long-winded. A simple “Hi, Happy Holidays!” can sometimes works. But if there’s a story to share, share it. A funny moment fixing a customer’s window? Reminisce on it.
No doubt you’ve heard about branding for your business. Well, we have some news for you: rapport with customers is part of your branding.

Need some more ideas? Let’s talk.
We are promotional products experts, and we know how to put your logo to work to get you more business, referrals, and help gain you the trust of your customers.
We have a large selection of practical, affordable logoed leave-behinds, but we can do a lot more. Whatever your branded giveaway needs, let us know. We’ll find you what your business needs.
Check out OnTheBallPromotions.com or give us a call at (800) 475-2255.
Let’s put your logo to work.