Creative greeting card sign-offs for businesses and brands
If you want to send greeting cards for your business, but don’t want to use the old standby “Sincerely” every time, then we have a list of clever business greeting card sign-offs for you. So if you’re not sure how to sign a greeting card, keep reading!
But before we get started… signing off your business greeting cards with a simple “Thanks” or “Thank You” works for nearly every business, brand, or event. Or—and hear us out—a sign-off isn’t always needed! Sometimes, just your signature is enough. Remember, sign-offs are just part of the entire greeting card message.
But if you want to go a bit further, read on for some inspiration. Share how you sign your business greeting cards in the comments below.
Generic sign-offs for any business greeting card
These are the traditional closings for greeting cards from businesses, but they work!
- Sincerely
- Regards / Kind Regards / Warm Regards
- Best Wishes
- All the best
- Until next time
- With appreciation
- Appreciate your support/business
- Cordially
- Respectfully
Motivational sign-offs
If you want to be direct with your sign-off, check out this list. Great for any business, but especially places that motivate like gyms, business/life coaches, professional peers, and more.
- Stay tough
- Slay / Keep Slaying
- Get it
- Here’s to the grind
- Let’s go
- Let’s do this
- We got this / You got this
Feel-good sign-offs
These are for those who are festive, fabulous, and not afraid of a good party. These greeting card closings have an optimistic feel to them.
- Cheers
- Stay fabulous
- Stay classy
- Let’s party
- Hugs & Happiness
- Here’s to the good times
Secular Christmas & Holiday card sign-offs
We offer a selection of Christmas and Holiday business greeting cards. For those who want to send the more secular-themed cards, check out these easy ways to sign a secular (not religious) holiday card:
- Here’s to the Holidays
- Cheers to the New Year
- Warm Wishes
- Peace & Joy
- Good Tidings
- To you & yours
- Be Merry
Greeting card sign-offs by industry
- Congrats
- Welcome Home
- To making memories
- To a new adventure
- To new dreams
- Here’s to your future
- Here to help you grow
- Let’s make your dream happen
Where to find greeting cards for your business
We’re On The Ball Promotions, and we make greeting cards for businesses like yours. If you don’t have some cards in your business stationery collection, check out our card collection. All USA-made with free personalization and fast shipping.
Let’s put your logo to work.